ROUND UP January 4-11, 2018

Hello readers! Welcome to 2018! For this round-up, enjoy my articles for BUST and Hyperallergic!
"Right away, then, we see how Maya Dardel becomes an illustration of what happens to a certain kind of woman—the inescapable “Cool Girl,” if you will—when she is no longer young and appealing enough to be a girl. She is the girl who has played the men’s game for so long that she doesn’t know what to do with herself once she is no longer invited to play."
"The combination of photography with scent is a curious, if slightly unsettling one. Photography is still held to have some measure of honesty, or a documentary nature to the images it captures (or, more accurately, creates); yet smell is less objective, since it conjures up memories and associations in immediate, primal, and affective ways."
