BOOK REVIEW: 'The Psychology of Time Travel' Is Anything But Simple [Preview]

Appropriately for a novel that explores how people relate to one another and to themselves via the use of time travel, Kate Mascarenhas' The Psychology of Time Travel pushes and pulls the reader across various timelines, always keeping us slightly on our toes. We open with the discovery of time travel technology by four scientists in 1967: authoritative Margaret, exacting Lucille, mysterious Grace, and passionate Barbara.
When Barbara suddenly has an emotional and mental breakdown during a television interview, she's cut off from the group and left to live her life in obscurity, eternally wishing to travel through time once again. Meanwhile, Margaret, Lucille, and Grace go on to form the Conclave, the exceedingly powerful central organization for traveling through time, headquartered in London but under no one's authority but its own.

Fifty-one years later, a Cambridge student named Odette discovers an elderly woman horribly killed in the toy museum where she's volunteering. When forensic evidence reveals the presence of bacteria generated during the time-travel chemical process, the mystery deepens further. Who is the woman Odette found, and how did she die? How is time travel involved? What may seem like an ordinary crime becomes Odette's obsession, leading her into the mysterious world of the Conclave.

You can read the rest of the review here!
